Linear Break Tag in HTML | DataTrained

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Here we discuss the Linear Break Tag in HTML. The Hypertext Markup Language is a language that is known worldwide for its flexibility and easy-to-use properties, features, and tags. In HTML, a paragraph, stanza of any poem, or postal address always starts on a new line.

For this, users can easily create a new line with the different tags in HTML. It is also possible through different ways to use Linear break tag in HTML. 

What is the <br> tag?

Before discussing the linear break tag in HTML,  we should know the<br> tag.  The <br> tag is a self-closing tag that inserts a line break wherever it is placed within your code. To use the <br> tag, add the <br> tag wherever you want a linear break tag in HTML to appear in your code.

Here is an example of how the <br> tag can be used:

<p>This is a paragraph.<br>

This is another line in the same paragraph.</p>

In the example above, the <br> tag inserts a line break between the two lines of text, all within the same <p> element.

This is what the text will look like:

This is a paragraph

This is another line in the same paragraph.

Different methods of Linear Break Tag in HTML

Different methods of Linear Break Tag in HTML

This article will discuss all the various methods of a Linear break tag in HTML.

  1. Using the <br> tag
  2. Using the <div> tag
  3. Using the <p> tag
  4. Using the <pre> tag
  5. Using the <span> tag

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Using the <br> tag to break a line in HTML

Using the br tag to break a line in HTML

When users want to add a new or start with a new line, they can use this HTML <br> tag, such as in poems or addresses where the line break is needed in the linear break tag in HTML. In HTML, the <br> tag is an empty tag.

It implies the tag does not require any end tag. Generally, a web browser does not recognize a newly inserted line and paragraph piece in a content text. So, if users want to start with a new line, they must insert the linear break tag in HTML <br> tag.

When users add a linear break tag in HTML, this signifies moving to the new line for adding a few spaces between two different lines, additional HTML document paragraphs, or webpage elements. One <br> tag attribute is the “clear” attribute. The <br> tag tells the browser where to start a new line after the preceding line break.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<h1> An example of the HTML br tag </h1>

<br> the line break with br tag <br> the line break with br tag <br> the line break with br tag

<p> Note: This tag does not require any end tag </p>



Some browsers that support the HTML <br> tag are as follows:

  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge

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Using the <div> tag to break a line in HTML

Though the div is to create a division for new content in HTML, such as images, text, header, footer, navigation bar, and many more, users can often use this to create a new line. The <div> tag contains both the opening and closing tags. The <div> tag is a block-level element. So users can set the linear break tag in HTML before and after it.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<h1> An example of the HTML br tag </h1>

<div> the line break with br tag </div> <div> the line break with br tag </div> <div> the line break with br tag </div>

<p> Note: Users should add the end tags while using this tag</p>



Some Browsers that support the HTML <div> tag are as follows:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari

Using the <p> tag to break a line in HTML

Using the p tag to break a line in HTML

Generally, the HTML <p> tag defines a paragraph’s inline elements and content. A <p> tag is a tag that has opening and closing tags known as pair tags.

It is mandatory to close the tag. The <p> tag works almost the same as the <br> tag, but the difference is HTML <p> tag is a block-level element and is mainly used to add content, whereas users can use the <br> tag to force a linear break tag in HTML inside the component.

Usually, users represent paragraphs in visual media as sections of text divided from sections of adjoining text by white space, a blank line, or a first-line indentation. But HTML paragraphs (or <p> tag) can be a structural set of related content, such as images, videos, or other elements or fields.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<h1> An example of the HTML paragraph tag </h1>

<p> the line break with br tag </p> <p> the line break with br tag </p> <p> the line break with br tag </p>

<p> Note: Users should add the end tags while using this tag</p>



Some browsers that support the HTML <p> tag are as follows:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari

Using the HTML <pre> tag

This method shows the linear break tag in HTML,  <pre> tag that defines a preformatted text. The browser will display the text within the <pre> element in a fixed-width font, and the text maintains line breaks and white spaces.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<h1> An example of the HTML pre-tag </h1>


This is the first line

This is the second line

This is the third line




Some browsers that support the HTML <pre> tag are as follows:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari

Suggested Blogs:-

Using the HTML <span> tag

Using the HTML span tag

Here, we used the <span> tag that forces a line to break with CSS display: block. It creates a linear break tag in HTML.


<!DOCTYPE html>




h1 span {

display: block;





<h1 class = “demo”>This will break the line here<span>and this is the second line</span></h1>



Some browsers that support the HTML <span> tag are as follows:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari


The <br> tag is a simple and easy way to add a linear break tag in HTML code. Adding the <br> tag wherever you want a line break to appear makes your code more readable and easier to understand. When users wish for a section of content that is mandatory to appear on a separate line, such as a stanza of a poem or a postal address, they can use any of the above tags and apply line break elements instead of paragraph elements.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you break a line BR or br /> in HTML?

In HTML, to add a linear break tag in HTML, it is made with the <br> tag. We don’t need to close <br> because it’s an empty tag. To break a line, either <br/> or <br></br> are acceptable. However, <br /> tags are used in other web documents like XHTML.

Use a keyboard shortcut to add a new line to add spacing between lines or paragraphs of text in a cell. Click the location where you want to break the line. Press ALT+ENTER to insert the line break in the linear break tag in HTML.

Use block-level elements to break the line without using <br> tag. There are many ways to break the line without using <br> tag. The used properties are listed below: white-space: pre; It is used to make elements acts like <pre> tag in the linear break tag in HTML.

Use <br> tags to create line breaks in the text instead of using multiple paragraphs or other elements. This can be simpler and easier to maintain. Use <br> tags to create extra space between elements on a page in the linear break tag in HTM. That’s right – you can just brute-force insert empty vertical space by typing <br><br><br>

The page-break-after property adds a page-break after a specified element. Tip: The properties: page-break-before, page-break-after, and page-break-inside help to define how a document should behave when printed. Note: You cannot use this property on empty <div> or positioned elements.

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