15 Most Popular Full Stack Developer Interview Questions & Answers | DataTrained

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Introduction to Full Stack Developer Interview Questions

Hey, are you worried as you prepare for your full stack developer interview questions? It’s understandable to be nervous, especially if this is your first time on the hot seat. Most Demanded Full Stack Development in IT occupations.

Developers will experience a 27% increase in employment by 2024, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s never been a better moment to start studying the skills needed in this profession. We will discuss full stack developer interview questions to help you achieve your dreams.

Finding the right people in the IT industry is difficult, with many companies fighting for the best experts. Knowing who your competitors are and asking the right questions during the interview are also vital if you want to be recognized as a skilled developer.

Let’s get started on all you need to know about landing full stack developer interview questions. This blog will help you prepare for Full stack developer interview questions by providing you with sample Full stack developer interview questions and answers.

Who is a Full Stack Developer?

full stack developer is a computer programmer who works with service providers and users. A full-stack developer, in simple language, is knowledgeable about the entire technology stack that makes up a website. They specialize in web development, are fluent in front-end and back-end programming languages, and mainly focus on web development. 

The majority of Full stack developers do not begin their careers as such. They usually work in a range of roles before pursuing full-stack. They are also well-versed in business logic and user experience. To put it in other words, they have enough business knowledge to guide others.

A Full Stack developer is required to be functionally knowledgeable and capable of working on all parts of application development. A Full Stack developer must be able to build front-end code in Java, HTML, and JavaScript, as well as construct APIs and write back-end code in Java/Python and Ruby.

They should also be familiar with hardware and operating systems, and also networking, and security. As we will discuss more Full stack developer interview questions, you will get more clarity to full-stack development. Click here to learn more about Full stack developers and Full stack developer interview questions.

Responsibilities & Soft Skills

  1. Taking part in the design and development of scalable software
  2. Front-end and back-end code that is clean and functional
  3. Bugs and other programming issues are tested and fixed.
  4. To come up with software solutions, collaborate with development teams and product managers.
  5. Create an attractive visual design for the front end of applications by designing client-side and server-side architecture.
  6. Create and maintain efficient databases and applications.
  7. Create APIs that work.
  8. Software should be tested for responsiveness and efficiency.
  9. Upgrade, debug, and repair software
  10. Set security and data protection configurations.
  11. Create features and applications that are mobile-friendly.
  12. Prepare technical documents
  13. Improve software with the help of data scientists and analytics.

Soft Skills

To be qualified for the position and get through the interview, a full stack developer must possess a variety of soft skills. They must be familiar with front-end technologies such as:

  • JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, along with Bootstrap and other CSS frameworks
  • Grunt, Gulp, and Bower for AJAX
  • Backbone, AngularJS, React, Ember jQuery, or AngularJS.
  • Sass or LESS

Understanding of back-end technologies such as:

  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MongoDB MySQL, PHP, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, and .Net
  • J2EE, Node.js, Apache, Nginx, ISS, and more technologies
  • Design and development of APIs
  • Ruby on Rails, Express.js, CakePHP, and other frameworks are examples.
  • A full stack developer must know about all of these technologies. 
  • Now let us look at all the full stack developer interview questions.

15 Full Stack Developer Interview Questions & Answers

full stack developer interview questions

The Full stack developer interview questions you’ll be asked in the interview won’t be easy, but these are the ones that come up most frequently in Full stack developer interview questions.

These Full stack developer interview questions and answers will also assist you in resolving your worries and grasping Full-Stack principles. The Full stack developer interview questions and answers have been revised and produced by our experts and specialists at 3RI Technologies.

A full stack developer interview questions and course are also available from 3RI. CSS, SPA, JavaScript, and SQLite are among the questions and responses for full stack developer interviews. The term “full stack” refers to all of the technologies that are used to complete a project. The mobile stack, app stack, or web stack may be used in the project.

The Full Stack Developer Interview questions and answers would cover all of these topics connected to and used in Full Stack Developer Technology. Let us look at all the full stack developer interview questions. Starting with 1st full stack developer interview questions.

1. What is CORS in MVC, and how does it work?

AnsCross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is an acronym for cross-origin resource sharing. It is based on HTTP headers and is a W3C standard. It allows a server to specify any additional origins (such as domains, ports, and so on) instead of the one requested.

In other words, it allows one website to use JavaScript to access the resources of another website. It handles cross-origin requests and data transfers between servers and browsers in a safe manner. In APIs, advanced browsers use CORS. In comparison to JSONP, it is more flexible and secure. It improves the integration of web services.

The same CORS service can be used when using MVC to enable CORS, but we use the same CORS middleware. We can use a certain CORS for a specific action, a specific controller, or all controllers at once. To ensure that the server will allow the actual request or not, the browser sends a pre-flight check (or request) to the server (hosting the cross-origin resource). Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

2. What are the key differences between GraphQL and REST?




GraphQL is an API design architecture that provides a more flexible approach to API design.

 REST is a web service implementation methodology and API design architecture.

Client-driven architecture is used.

 It has a server-based architecture.

It has nothing to do with dedicated resources.

It is concerned with dedicated resources.

It only has one endpoint, which accepts dynamic arguments.

It has several different endpoints.

It supports stateless servers as well as structured resource access.

It supports stateless servers as well as flexible and restricted resource access.

It is elastic by nature.

It isn’t rigid in any way.

Only the JSON format is supported.

XML, JSON, HTML, YAML, and more formats are also supported.

A query language is used by the client to define the answer data that it requires.

Data are shown as resources over HTTP through URI.

It supports many protocols, including HTTP, MQTT, and AMQP, for synchronous and asynchronous communication.

It provides synchronous communication through HTTP only.


Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

3. What is a Java connection leak, and how can it be fixed?

Ans. This question is commonly asked in a full stack developer interview. Connection leak is a term used in Java to describe when a developer forgets to end a JDBC connection. When using a Connection Pool in Java development, the most typical sort of Connection Leak is encountered (such as DBCP). Close the connection and pay special attention to the error handling code to solve it. You must learn this one for the interview. Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

4. What are the benefits and of using the phrase “use strict”?

Ans. The expression “use strict” is used to enable strict mode for entire scripts or specific functions. Strict mode helps you to use a more restricted version of JavaScript.


  • It removes the possibility of creating global variables.
  • Attempts to delete properties that are not deletable are thrown (where before the attempt would simply have no effect).
  • It is required that the name of the functio
    n argument be unique.
  • In a global setting, this is undefinable.
  • It throws exceptions when it detects some typical coding errors.
  • It disables features that are inconvenient to use.


  • Many features that many developers are familiar with are missing.
  • Function.caller and function.arguments are no longer accessible.
  • It’s possible that concatenating scripts written in different strict modes will cause problems.

Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

5. Explain Prototype Inheritance in JavaScript?

Ans. Most frequently asked questions in a full stack developer interview. You create a class first, in a language that supports traditional inheritance, such as Java, C#, or C++–a blueprint for your objects–and then you can either create new objects from that class or extend it by defining a new class that augments the original class. In JavaScript, you build an object first (there is no concept of a class), then alter it or generate additional objects from it. In JavaScript, every object has a prototype.

The inheritance system in JavaScript is prototype-based rather than class-based. When a message arrives at an object, JavaScript will look for a property in that object first. If it can’t find it, the message will be delivered to the prototype of the object, and so on. This is referred to as prototype chain or, in certain cases, prototype inheritance.

When it comes to generating prototype chains in JavaScript, function Object() { [native code] } functions are the preferred method. In the form of this keyword, JavaScript injects an implicit reference to the new object being formed when we use new. At the end of the function, it also returns this reference in its entirety.

function Foo() {
this.kind = ‘foo’
var foo = new Foo();
foo.kind //=> ‘foo’

Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

6. What is the difference between “GET” and “POST”?

 full stack developer interview questions

Ans. GET: The data is recovered via GET. It can be bookmarked and contains the request parameter in the URL string.

POST: POST is mostly used to write data. The request parameter is included in the message body, and it cannot be bookmarked. 

  • Mention the aspects that contribute to continuous integration’s success.
  • Keeping a code repository up to date is a difficult task.
  • The building procedure is fully automated.
  • Incorporating a self-testing feature into the build.
  • The structure is made to be quick to put together.
  • Checking the build-in clone production conditions.
  • Providing access to deliverables to team members.
  • Providing access to and visibility of the results to team members.
  • The deployment process is completely automated. 

Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

7. What is the Difference Between “Git Pull? & “Git Fetch”?

Ans. Git pull is a command that performs a git fetch followed by a git merge. When you use to pull, Git receives the command to do your task for you. Because Git is context-sensitive, any pulled contributions will be merged into the branch you’re now working on.

Pull merges them without providing you the opportunity to review them first. You could have a lot of problems if you don’t keep a close eye on your branches.

Git retrieves any commits from the target branch that isn’t in your current branch and stores them in your local repository when you fetch. It does not, however, combine them into your current branch. This is especially useful if you need to keep your repository updated but are working on something that will be corrupted if your files are changed. Merge is used to merge the commits into your master branch.

Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

8. What is the best way to transfer code between files?

Ans. This is determined by the JavaScript environment.

All scripts on the client (browser environment) can refer to variables/functions that are declared in the global scope (window). Alternatively, for a more modular approach, use RequireJS’ Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD).

CommonJS has been used on the server (Node.js) in the past. Each file is recognized as a module, and by attaching variables and functions to the module, it can export them. The object is exported.

The ES2015 specification offers a module syntax that seeks to replace AMD and CommonJS. This will be supported in both browser and Node environments in the future.

Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

9. What is Inversion of Control?

Ans. Inversion of control is a broad word, but it’s most usually described as a pattern for separating components and layers in a system by a software developer. Let’s imagine you have a text editor component in your app and you want to include spell checking.

The standard code would look something like this:

public class TextEditor {

    private SpellChecker checker;

    public TextEditor() {

        this.checker = new SpellChecker();



We’ve created a dependency between the TextEditor and the SpellChecker by doing this.

  • In an IoC situation we would instead do something like this:

public class TextEditor {

    private IocSpellChecker checker;

   public TextEditor(IocSpellChecker checker) {

        this.checker = checker;



Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

10. What programming language are you most comfortable working with?

Ans. Answer honestly, but also demonstrate that you’ve done your study and understand the programming languages they employ. First, describe why you chose your chosen language, whether it’s Python, JavaScript, or C++.

If the company favors C++ but you prefer Python, explain that you took the effort to learn C++ because you understand how useful it is and how many companies rely on it. Of course, don’t lie if you don’t know C++. Instead, inform them that it isn’t your first language, but that you will devote some time to learning it.

Because this is a Full Stack Developer interview, you should say that you are familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any back-end languages such as SQL or Python. You want to demonstrate that you have the fundamental skills needed to succeed in your new career. Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

11. What’s the most recent item you’ve explored?

Ans. This question is required to confirm the accuracy of the information you provided in your previous question. You must be up to date on industry news and have a finger on what’s going on. You might discuss a website you recently tested or a particularly annoying case study on a serious flaw you recently read about.

One thing to remember is to never give the interviewer the impression that you haven’t learned anything in the last six months. It’s a rapid tech world, so staying on top of the latest developments is important. Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions. Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.


12. Explain semantic HTML include an example and why we should use it?

Ans. In web designing, the idea of using HTML components to represent what they are. Semantic HTML, or semantic markup, is the term for it.
Semantic HTML is HTML that shows meaning to the web page instead of just presentation. For example, the tag specifies that it contains a paragraph. Because the user understands what paragraphs are and the browser understands how to show them, it is both semantic and presentational.

On the other hand, tags such as and are not semantic. They only show how text should look. These provide no more information to the markup.

Examples of semantic HTML tags are header tags, etc. There are also some other semantic HTML tags that are used to create a standards-compliant website.

For the following reasons, we should utilize several semantic HTML:

  • It gives you more information about the document you’re working on. It can also help with communication.
  • Semantic tags make the meaning of a page and its content clear to the browser.
  • It gives you information about the tags’ contents that goes beyond how they appear on a page.
  • It gives us a lot more hooks for styling the page’s content.
  • The semantic tag’s clarity is also transmitted to search engines, ensuring that the correct pages are delivered for the correct queries. 
  • Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.
  • How null is different from undefined in JavaScript?

Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

13. How null is different from undefined in JavaScript?

Ans. Null: A null value has been assigned to a variable. When combined with the type of operator, the result is an object. We should never set a variable to null because the programmer uses null to represent a variable with no value. It’s worth mentioning that by default, JavaScript never sets the value to null.
Undefined: A variable is said to be undefined when it is declared but not given a value.

It’s possible that a variable doesn’t exist at all. When combined with the type of operator, the outcome is undefined. In JSON, it isn’t valid.
Let’s understand it through an example.
var var1 

var var2 = null //assigning null value to the variable var2 

console.log(`var1 : ${var1}, type : ${typeof(var1)}`) 

console.log(`var2 : ${var2}, type : ${typeof(var2)}`) 

When we execute the code above, it throws back the following output:

Var1 : undefined, type : undefined 

var2 : null, type : object

Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

14.  What is a RESTful API?

Ans. REST is the abbreviation for Representational State Transfer. It’s an architectural style for developing Web Services. To access and utilize the data, it makes HTTP queries.

We can create, change, r
ead, and delete information.
The code that allows two software programs to connect with one other is known as an API (Application Program Interface) for a website. It allows us to write code that asks an operating system or another program for help. In a full stack developer interview, this is one of the most frequently asked questions.

Let us move on to the next full stack developer interview questions.

15. What are the types of design patterns?

Ans. Generally, a design pattern is a repeatable solution for everyday problems occurring in software design. These patterns show the relationships and interactions between objects and classes.

Three Kind of design patterns:

Creational – These are about the creation of objects or the instantiation of classes. These patterns are further subdivided into object-creational patterns and class-creational patterns.
Structural – These concern the organisation of various classes and objects in order to form larger functionality and provide new functionality.
Behavioral – These are concerned with identifying common communication patterns among objects.

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So now you’ve done a pretty good job of preparing for the full stack developer interview questions. Arrive at the place a little early and summarize it all before the interview. Make a good first impression. Speak properly and concisely during the interview. Simultaneously, go over key experiences in detail. After the interview, send an email to the recruiter thanking them for the opportunity and finishing with ‘looking forward to hearing from you.’

Send a follow-up email the following week and two weeks later. You’ve been completely wiped if you don’t get a response. If you receive a reply, wait before moving on to the next step.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I prepare for a full stack developer interview?

How to Prepare for an Interview with a Full Stack Developer.

  1. Master the fundamentals. …
  2. Identify the skills you need to learn. …
  3. Online coding courses. …
  4. Practice live coding. …
  5. Prepare for the assignment. …
  6. Prepare for the building challenge. …
  7. Prepare for behavioral questions. …
  8. Prepare for verbal explanation.

2. What are the basic skills required for full stack developer?
Frameworks (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and Front-end Languages, Frameworks (NodeJS, ExpressJS, Django, Flask, C++), and Backend Technologies, Database Management Systems (MySQL, SQL SERVER and PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Oracle Database), Version Control, and Web Hosting Platforms are all required of a full stack developer.
3. Is full stack developer stressful?

Full-stack developer work, like other technical jobs, can be stressful at times. A Few developers become anxious about problem-solving during the development process. Working under the stress of a strict deadline can also be stressful.

Here is the list of top 15 full stack developer interview questions that are frequently asked by the interviewer.

4. Which Fullstack is most popular?
The most famous full stack structure include Laravel, Ruby on Rails, and Express.js. If you’re just starting, you might want to choose a framework that is relatively easy to learn, such as Laravel or Ruby on Rails.Here is the list of top 15 full stack developer interview questions that are frequently asked by the interviewer.
5. How much Amazon pay for full stack developer?

For Indian, the Salary range between ₹ 4.5 Lakhs to ₹ 47.0 Lakhs For Amazon Full Stack Developer with an average annual salary of ₹ 18.1 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 35 Amazon latest salaries received from various employees of Amazon.

Here is the list of top 15 full stack developer interview questions that are frequently asked by the interviewer.

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