Major Difference between Comparable vs Comparator Java | DataTrained

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Introduction To Comparable vs Comparator Java

When it comes to Comparable vs Comparator Java we should know that both are the interfaces that can be used to sort collection elements. Comparator is part of java.util package, whereas comparable is part of the java.lang package. Comparable interface compares” this” refers to the one item provided to it, whereas comparator interface sorts collection using two objects provided to it. We have also written article on the list of Python arrays.

In 1991, James Gosling founded Sun Microsystems Inc, which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation. It’s a straightforward programming language. Java makes programming easy to write, compile, and debug. It aids in the development of reusable code and modular programs.

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language with a focus on minimizing implementation dependencies. A compiled general-purpose programming language designed for developers to write once and execute anywhere. All platforms that support Java can run Java code. Java programs are compiled into bytecode that may be run on any Java Virtual Machine. Java’s syntax is comparable to that of C/C++. Let us find out the difference between Comparable vs Comparator Java.

What is Comparable In Java?

What is Comparable In Java

In Comparable vs Comparator Java, a comparable object compares itself to another object. It aids in the organization of the list of custom objects. The java.lang package. A class should implement the Comparable interface in order to compare its instances. The Arrays.sort and Collections.sort methods automatically sort an array of objects that implement a similar interface.

Also Read : What is Synchronize in Java?

A comparable object is one that can compare itself to another. The class must implement java.lang package. To compare its instances, it has a comparable interface.

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Consider a Movie class with members who include things like rating, name, and year. Let’s say we want to arrange a list of movies by release year. With the Movie class, we can implement the Comparable interface and override the Comparable interface’s compareTo() method.

In Comparable vs Comparator Java, Comparable is for items that have a natural ordering, which means that the object must know how it will be sorted. Take, for instance, student roll numbers. Comparator interface sorting, on the other hand, is handled by a different class. Comparable compares “this” to the object specified, whereas Comparator in Java compares two separate class objects.

The compareTo() method of the Java Comparable class takes a single object as an input and returns an int value. The int returned indicates whether the parameter object is larger, equal to, or smaller than the object on which the compareTo() method is called. to be more specific

  • A positive number (1 or greater) indicates that the compareTo() function is being called on an object that is larger than the parameter object.
  • A zero (0) value indicates that the two things are equal.
  • A negative number (-1 or less) indicates that the compareTo() method is being performed on an object that is smaller than the parameter object.

Let me show you a small example to further clarify how the Java Comparable interface works. The Comparable interface is implemented by the Java Integer class, so you can call compareTo() Here is an example:

public class ComparableExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Integer valA = Integer.valueOf(45);

        Integer valB = Integer.valueOf(99);

        int comparisonA = valA.compareTo(valB);

        int comparisonB = valB.compareTo(valA);





Methods Used In Comparable

The user-defined class’s objects are ordered using the Java Comparable interface. This interface is part of java.lang package and only has one method, compareTo (Object). It only has a single sorting sequence, which means you can only sort the elements by a single data member. It might be anything from a rollno to a name to an age.


The compareTo() method lexicographically compares two strings. The comparison is based on each character’s Unicode value in the strings. If the string is equal to the other string, the procedure returns 0. If the string is shorter than the other string (fewer characters), a value less than 0 is returned, while a value higher than 0 is returned if the string is longer (more characters). Strings are objects in Java that are internally backed by a char array. Because strings are a type of exceptional array that holds characters and arrays are immutable, strings are immutable as well.

Java’s String class contains a number of methods for performing string operations such as compare(), concat(), equals(), split(), length(), replace(), compareTo(), substring(), and so on. The compareTo() method will be the center of our attention among these methods.

compareTo(Object obj): public int It’s used to compare the current object to the one that’s been specified. It reappears.

  • If the current object is greater than the requested object, the value will be a positive integer.
  • If the current object is less than the requested object, the value will be negative.
  • If the current object is equal to the requested object, the value is zero.


public int compareTo(String string2)

public int compareTo(Object object)

The compareTo() method comes in three flavors. The following is a list of all of them, as depicted in this Blog:

1. int compareTo(Object obj)

This method compares this String to another Object. 


int compareTo(Object obj)


  • Obj: The Object to be compared

Return Value: If the argument is a string that is lexicographically equal to this string, the value is 0; if the argument is a string that is lexicographically greater than this string, the value is less than 0; and if the argument is a string that is lexicographically less than this string, the value is greater than 0.

2. int compareTo(String anotherString)

This method compares two strings lexicographically. 


int compareTo(String anotherString)


  • anotherString:  The String to be compared.

Return Value: The value 0 if the argument is a string lexicographically equal to this string; a value less than 0 if the argument is a string lexicographically greater than this string; and a value greater than 0 if the argument is a string lexicographically less than this string.

3. int compareToIgnoreCase(String str)  

This method compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case differences. 


int compareToIgnoreCase(String str)


  • Str: The String to be compared

Return Value: If the supplied String is larger than, equal to, or less than this String, this function returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer, ignoring case considerations.

What is Comparator In Java?

What is Comparator In Java

Comparator, unlike Comparable, is independent of the element type being compared. It’s a distinct class. To compare various members, we create numerous separate classes (that implement Comparator). In Java, a comparator is an object that allows you to compare objects from different classes. In Java, the Comparator interface is also used to organize items from user-defined classes. It has two crucial comparator interface methods: compare (Object obj1) and equals (Object obj2) (Object element).

A second sort() function is available in the Collections class, and it takes a Comparator parameter. To sort objects, the sort() method uses the compare() method.

To compare movies based on their rating, we must perform three things:

  1. Create a class that implements Comparator (and, as a result, the compare() method, which replaces compareTo()).
  2. Create a Comparator class object.
  3. Call the overloaded sort() function, passing the list as well as an instance of the Comparator class.

Difference Between Comparable Vs Comparator Java

Difference Between Comparable Vs Comparator Java



Among both Comparable vs comparator java, Comparable provides a compareTo() method to sort elements in Java.

When it comes to Comparable vs comparator java, Comparator provides a compare() method to sort elements in Java.

A comparable interface is present in java.lang package.

Comparator interface is present in java.util package.

When it comes to Comparable vs comparator java, the sorting algorithm must be in the same class as the item to be sorted.

To write distinct sorting depending on different qualities of objects, the mechanism of sorting should be in a separate class.

A similar interface must be implemented by the class whose objects you want to sort.

When it comes to Comparable vs comparator java, a comparator interface is not required for classes whose objects you want to sort.

It provides single sorting sequences.

It provides multiple sorting sequences.

This method can sort the data according to the natural sorting order.

This method sorts the data according to the customized sorting order.

It affects the original class. i.e., the actual class is altered.

It doesn’t affect the original class, i.e. The actual class is not altered.

Implemented frequently in the API by Calendar, Wrapper classes, Date, and


It is implemented to sort instances of third-party classes.

All wrapper classes and String classes implement comparable interfaces.

The only implemented classes of Comparator are Collator and RuleBasedColator.

Key Differences

Key Differences Between Comparable Vs Comparator Java

  1. When it comes to Comparable vs comparator Java, a Comparable object compares itself to another object, but a Comparator object compares multiple objects of different kinds.
  2. In Comparable vs comparator Java, Comparable provides the compareTo() method for sorting elements, whereas Comparator gives the compare() function.
  3. Among Comparable vs comparator java, Comparable is found in java.lang package, while Comparator is found in java.util package.
  4. Comparable has only one sorting sequence, whereas Comparator has numerous sorting sequences.
  5. Among Comparable vs comparator java, Comparable has an effect on the original class, whereas comparator has no effect on it.
  6. Among both Comparable vs comparator java, Comparable is for items that have a natural ordering, which means that the object must know how it will be sorted. Take, for instance, student roll numbers. Comparator interface sorting, on the other hand, is handled by a different class.
  7. Comparable compares “this” to the object specified, whereas Comparator in Java compares two separate class objects.
  8. When it comes to Comparable vs comparator java, If a class in Java implements the Comparable interface, then its collection, whether a List or an Array, can be automatically sorted using Collections. Arrays or sort() are both good options. The objects will be sorted using the sort() function and the CompareTo method will determine their natural order.
  9. When it comes to Comparable vs comparator java, the fact that we can only perform one comparison while using comparative is a key distinguishing feature. For a given type, we can write as many custom comparators as you want, each utilizing a different interpretation of what sorting implies. In the comparable example, we could only sort by one property, namely year, however in the comparator, we could sort by many attributes including rating, name, and year.

Using Comparator vs Comparable Java: Best Practices

best practices of comparable and comparator in java

When the comparison is standard for the class, use a comparable interface.

  • Lambdas can be used with a comparator.
  • Many of the fundamental classes implement a similar interface.
  • While sorting a Set or Map, TreeSet and TreeMap can be used.
  • When it comes to Comparable vs comparator java, Both Comparator and comparable are both supported by the compareTo() function.
  • When you need additional versatility, use the comparator interface.
  • Among both Comparable vs comparator java, If the first object is greater than the second, the compareTo() method will return a positive integer, a negative integer if the first object is lower, and zero if the two objects are equal.


We learned about the different applications of the comparable vs comparator java in this article. We also learned how to use Comparator Interfaces in applications to more easily arrange classes. We now understand the differences between a comparative interface and a comparator interface in this blog of difference between Comparable vs Comparator Java. 

Frequently Asked Question’s

1. What is the difference between Comparable vs Comparator Java?

 In Java, a Comparable object compares itself to another object, but a Comparator object compares multiple objects of different kinds. When it comes to comparable vs comparator java, Comparable provides the compareTo() method for sorting elements, whereas Comparator gives the compare() function. 

In the Java programming language, the interfaces comparable vs comparator java are used to establish how classes will behave. While Comparable is used on naturally ordered objects, the Comparator interface enables sorting by taking an object’s attributes into account. Comparable compares items using the “this” reference, while Comparator sorting takes into consideration objects from two different classes.

2. What is the main difference between Comparable vs Comparator Java?

Main differences between Comparable vs Comparator java

  • When it comes to Comparable vs comparator java, a Comparable object compares itself to another object in Java, but a Comparator object compares many items of various types.
  • Among Comparable vs comparator java, Comparable has the compareTo() method for sorting elements in Java, while Comparator has the compare() function.
  • When it comes to Comparable vs comparator java, the java.lang package has Comparable, while the java.util package contains Comparator.
  • When it comes to Comparable vs comparator java, Comparable merely has one sorting sequence, whereas Comparator has a lot of them.
  • Among both Comparable vs comparator java, Comparable affects the original class, whereas comparator has no such effect.

If we talk about Comparable vs comparator java, Comparable is used for items with natural ordering, which means the object must be aware of how it will be sorted. Consider the case of student roll numbers. The sorting of the comparator interface, on the other hand, is handled by a separate class.

3. What are 4 differences between comparable vs Comparator java?

Sr. No.






The comparable interface has a method compareTo(Object a ) 

The comparator has a method compare(Object o1, Object O2) 


Sorting uses 

To sort a collection of Comparable-type objects, use the Collection.sort(List) function.

To sort a collection of Comparator-type objects, use the Collection.sort(List, Comparator) method.


Sorting sequence 

Comparable provides a single sorting sequence.

The comparator provides a multiple sorting sequence.



The java.lang package contains the Comparable interface.

The java.util package contains the Comparator interface.

4. What is the difference between compare and compareTo in Java?

The compareTo() function of the Comparable interface is used to rank things. The class’s natural ordering is referred to as the class’s natural ordering, and the compareTo() function is referred to as the class’s natural comparison method. Methods for sorting operations are provided through the Comparator interface. We can perform numerous sorting sequences using the Comparator interface. Multiple data members can be used to sort the objects.

5. What is comparable Java?

A single sorting sequence is provided by Comparable. To put it another way, we can sort the collection by a single attribute such as id, name, or price. The original class is affected by Comparable, i.e. the real class is changed. To sort elements, Comparable provides the compareTo() method. In java.lang package, there is a class called Comparable. The Collections.sort(List) method can be used to sort Comparable type list members.

6. Why does comparable affect the original class?

Comparable vs Comparator Java classes that are used to sort a collection of objects. java. The programming language Comparable is used to sort lists of similar kinds (classes) such as ListStudent>, ListEmployee>, ListOrange>, and so on. It literally means “I can compare myself to another object of the same type.”

7. Where is comparable used given an example?

Java Comparable Example:

//Java Program to demonstrate the use of Java Comparable.  

//Creating a class which implements Comparable Interface  

import java.util.*;


class Student implements Comparable<Student>{

int rollno;

String name;

int age;

Student(int rollno,String name,int age){  




public int compareTo(Student st){  


return 0;

else if(age>st.age)

return 1;


return –1;



//Creating a test class to sort the elements  

public class TestSort3{

public static void main(String args[]){  

ArrayList<Student> al=new ArrayList<Student>();

al.add(new Student(101,“Vijay”,23));

al.add(new Student(106,“Ajay”,27)): 

al.add(new Student(105,“Jai”,21));


for(Student st:al){  

System.out.println(st.rollno+” “” “+st.age);

8. How does comparable work internally in Java?

 java.lang. Comparable is used to sort lists of similar kinds (classes) such as ListStudent>, ListEmployee>, ListOrange>, and so on. It literally means “I can compare myself to another object of the same type.” For example, suppose we want to sort ListStudent> by roll number or first name.

 The compareTo method, which is required by the interface, returns an integer that indicates the comparison order. When this object is less than the parameter object, compareTo() returns a negative integer, and when the lengths are the same, compareTo() returns zero.

Because the Member class implements the Comparable interface, the sorted method may be used to sort the list. In reality, the sorted function can be used to sort items of any class that implements the Comparable interface. However, keep in mind that a stream only sorts the items in the stream, not the original list.

9. What is a comparable method?

The compareTo method is defined by the Comparable interface and is used to compare objects. Objects built from a class that implements the Comparable interface can be sorted using Java’s sorting algorithms.

The object to which the “this” object is compared is passed as an argument to the compareTo method, which is required by the Comparable interface. In terms of sorting order, the procedure should return a negative integer if the “this” object appears before the object sent as an argument. If the “this” object is passed after the object is passed as a parameter, the method should return a positive value. Otherwise, a value of 0 is returned. Natural ordering refers to the sorting that occurs as a result of using the compareTo method.

10. Can we implement a comparable interface?

Comparable interface: Returns an int that indicates whether the values are less than, equal to, or greater than. Implement the Comparable<T> interface and define this function if your class objects have a natural order. All Java classes with a natural ordering implement this method. Comparable<T> – Example: String, wrapper classes, BigInteger

The equals method, as well as the == and!= operators, check for equality and inequality, but they don’t check for relative values.

The ComparableT> interface defines a compareTo() function, which is implemented by some classes (e.g., String and other natural ordering classes).

You will want to implement Comparable<T> in your class if you want to use it with Collections.sort() or Arrays.sort() methods.

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  1. […] Also Read : Major Difference between Comparable vs Comparator Java […]

  2. […] Java can work with comparable object, can compares itself to another object […]


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