Types of Operator Overloading in C++ | DataTrained

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Introduction to Types of Operator Overloading in C++

C++ operator overloading is among the most effective features of C++ that makes it possible for a user to alter the manner the operator runs. Through this post, you are going to learn in-depth about C++ operator overloading and the types of operator overloading in C++ with corresponding examples. In C++ the significance of the current operator could be given to run on user-defined data or maybe class data. C++ has the capability to show the operators with a unique significance for a data sort. So the mechanism of putting in particular significance to an operator is actually called operator overloading. We have made a detailed blog on Data Structures in C.

In C++, we can alter the way operators do the job for user-defined types of operator overloading in C++ for structures and objects. This is referred to as operator overloading. For instance, Suppose we’ve produced 3 items c1, c2, plus results from a category called Complex that represents complicated numbers. Since operator overloading enables us to modify how operators function, we can redefine the way the + operator works and make use of it to include the complex numbers of c2 and c1 by composing the following code:

result = c1 + c2;

instead of something like

result = c1.addNumbers(c2);

What are the different Types of Operator Overloading in C++?

There are two types of operator overloading in C++:

  1. Operator overloading.
  2. Function overloading.

What is Operator Overloading?

Operator Overloading in c++

Using operator overloading around C++, you can specify over 1 significance for an operator in a single scope. The goal of operator overloading is to provide a specific significance of an operator for a user-defined information type. With the assistance of operator overloading, you can redefine the vast majority of the C++ operators. You can likewise use operator overloading to do various operations utilizing one operator. We are also going to learn about types of operator overloading in C++ later on.

Operator overloading is an immensely important idea in C++. It’s polymorphism in that an operator is overloaded to give user-defined meaning to it. The overloaded operator is used to do business on the user-defined data types of operator overloading in C++. For instance, the’ +’ operator could be overloaded to do addition on various details sorts, such as for Integer, String(concatenation), and so on.

C++ enables us to specify somewhat more than a single definition for a character name or maybe an operator in the same scope, which is known as function overloading and operator overloading, respectively. The method of choosing the most appropriate overloaded function or maybe operator is called overload resolution.

Nearly every operator could be overloaded in C++. Nevertheless, there are very few operators which can not be overloaded. The operator that’s not overloaded is follows

  • scope operator – ::
  • sizeof
  • member selector – .
  • member pointer selector – *
  • ternary operator – ?:

Operations that can be perform:

  1. Athematic operations: + – * / %
  2. Logical operations:  && and ||
  3. Relational operations: == != >= <=
  4. Pointer operators: & and *
  5. Memory management operator: new, delete []

What exactly are Operators?

An operator is a sign which tells the compiler to do particular mathematical, rational calculations or perhaps a few other special operations. We will learn more about operators in types of operator overloading in C++.

What’s Function Overloading?

The method of having 2 or maybe more features with the exact same name but with unique details (arguments) is known as function overloading. The feature is actually redefined by either using various kinds of debates or maybe a different selection of debates. It’s just through these variations that a compiler is able to differentiate between functions. It is one of the crucial types of operator overloading in C++.

Difference between the Member and Friend Function

Member function:

  1. The amount of parameters to be transferred is actually cut back by a single, as the calling item is implicitly supplied as an operand.
  2. Unary operators take less explicit parameters.
  3. Binary operators take just one explicit parameter.

Friend Function:

  1. Far more selection of details can be passed.
  2. Unary operators take just one explicit parameter.
  3. Binary operators take 2 explicit parameters.

What exactly are the guidelines for Types of Operator Overloading in C++?

Let us now understand the guidelines for types of operator overloading in C++. To do the job, a minimum of one of the operands should be a user-defined class object.

We are able to just overload the present operators, Cannot overload new operators. Some operators can’t be overloaded by making use of a friend function. Nevertheless, such operators may be overloaded by making use of the member function.

Overloading Special Operators

Some of the special types of operator overloading in C++ are as follows:

  • new – This is employed to allocate the memory dynamically.
  • Delete – This is employed to free the memory dynamically.
  • [] – This is employed as a subscript operator.
  • -> – – This is employed as a member access operator.
  • = – This is employed to assign the values.
  • () – This is employed for function calls.

The operators of the types of operator overloading in C++ apart from those mentioned above could be overloaded often as a member or even as non-members. However, in most cases, non-member overloading is suggested. Because:

Symmetry: Anytime a binary operator is determined as a class process, it should have objects as its operands. We ought to compose like complex*5 but not like 5*complex since 5. operator*(complex)does not make any sense. Put simply, a*b must be the just like b*a. Or else, it breaks the cumulativeness that this end-user is planning on using the *operator. Therefore, in that instance, we must make use of no-member operators overloading.

Weak coupling: since a non-member approach can’t gain access to private members, it has a tendency to create the classless coupled types of operator overloading in C++

Example of unary types of operator overloading in C++:

Using unary types of operator overloading in

//Overload ++ when used as prefix


Using namespace std;

Class count



Int value;


//constructor to initialize count to 5

Count() : value(5)  {}

//overload ++ when used as prefix

Void operator ++ ()




Void display()


Cout<<”Count: “<<value<<endl;



Int main()


Count count1;

//call the “void operator ++ ()” function



Return 0;


The output of unary types of operator overloading in C++:

Count:  6

The Requirement for Types of Operator Overloading in C++

It gives way for us to present an intuitive user interface to the class users, in addition, renders it feasible for templates to operate likewise effectively with classes and built-in models. Types of operator overloading in C++ make it possible for C++ operators to possess user-defined meanings on user-defined sorts or perhaps classes.

Operators in C++ such as +, -, *, and / have predefined operational meanings in data types such as int, float, and double. These operators, on the other hand, can’t work with user-defined datatypes like objects without extending or adding code to change their operational meaning.

Types of Operator Overloading in C++

Operator Overloading in C++

Types of operator overloading in C++ are among the exciting functions that have improved the potential of this extensibility of C++. C++ enables us to bring 2 variables of user-defined kinds with the same syntax that’s put on to the standard types. It means that C++ is able to offer the operators a unique significance for a data sort. The mechanism of providing such specific meanings to an operator is actually recognized as Operator Overloading. These are the types of operator overloading in C++:

  • Function overloading types of operator overloading in C++
  • Operator overloading types of operator overloading in C++

Operator Overloading types of operator overloading in C++ offer a flexible choice for making new definitions for nearly all of the C++ operators. We are able to overload all of the C++ operators other than the following:

  1. Class member access operators (.*)
  2. Scope Resolution operator (::)
  3. Size Operator (sizeof)
  4. The conditional operator (?:)

Syntax for C++ Operator Overloading

To overload types of operator overloading in C++, we make use of a specific operator function. We determine the function within the class or framework whose objects/variables we would like the overloaded operator to use.

class className {

    … .. …


       returnType operator symbol (arguments) {

           … .. …


    … .. …


Here in the types of operator overloading in C++:

  • returnType is the return type of function.
  • An operator is a keyword.
  • The symbol is the operator we need to overload. Like: +, <, -, ++, etc.
  • arguments are the arguments passed to the function.

Implementing Operator Overloading in C++

Implementing a function that can be:

  • Member Function
  • Non-Member Function
  • Friend Function

If the Left operand is an object of that class, the types of operator overloading in C++, a function can be a member function; but, if the Left operand is different, it must be a non-member function. If an operator overloading function requires access to a class’s private and protected members, it can be declared a friend function.

Restrictions on Types of Operator Overloading in C++

While implementing types of operator overloading in C++, keep the following limits in mind.

  • An operator’s precedence and associativity cannot be modified.
  • Arity (the number of Operands) is unchangeable. The unary operator remains unary, the binary operator remains binary, and so on.
  • Only current operators can be overloaded; no new operators can be established.
  • It is not possible to redefine the definition of a method. You can’t change the way integers are joined together.

Overloading Arithmetic Operator in C++

In C++, the arithmetic operator is the most often used operator. Almost every arithmetic operator can be overloaded to perform calculations on a user-defined data type. We’ve overridden the + operator to add to Time(hh:mm:ss) objects in the example below.



class Time


int h,m,s;




     h=0, m=0; s=0;


void setTime();

void show()


     cout<< h<< “:”<< m<< “:”<< s;



//overloading ‘+’ operator

Time operator+(time);   


Time Time::operator+(Time t1)    //operator function


Time t;

int a,b;

a = s+t1.s;

t.s = a%60;

b = (a/60)+m+t1.m;

t.m = b%60;

t.h = (b/60)+h+t1.h;

t.h = t.h%12;

return t;


void time::setTime()


cout << “n Enter the hour(0-11) “;

cin >> h;

cout << “n Enter the minute(0-59) “;

cin >> m;

cout << “n Enter the second(0-59) “;

cin >> s;


void main()


Time t1,t2,t3;

cout << “n Enter the first time “;


cout << “n Enter the second time “;


t3 = t1 + t2;    //adding of two time object using ‘+’ operator

cout << “n First time “;


cout << “n Second time “;


cout << “n Sum of times “;




When two numbers are added normally, the outcome is the total. In the example above, the + operator was overloaded to perform the addition of two Time class objects. To get the new time value, we add the seconds, minutes, and hours independently.

We ask the user for the hour, minute, and second values separately in the setTime() function, and then we set those values to the Time class object.

The result of the preceding programme with t1 as 01:20:30 (1 hour, 20 minutes, 30 seconds) and t2 as 02:15:25 (2 hours, 15 minutes, 25 seconds) will be:





Overloading I/O operator in C++

Why do we need to override the I/O operators should be the first question we ask before learning how to do so. The following are some examples of when overloading the I/O operator is beneficial:

  • We can use the output operator to print values for user-defined datatypes by overloading them.
  • For user-defined datatypes, we can use the output operator >&g
    t; to overload input values.
  • The left operand in the case of input/output operator overloading will be of the types ostream& and istream&.
  • Also, because the left operand is not a class object, we must ensure that the functions are Non-Member functions when overloading these operators.
  • To access private data members, it must be a friend function.
  • As you can see, the ostream class object count is overloaded with an operator to print basic data type values to the screen, which is the default behavior of the operator when used with cout. To put it another way, it’s already overburdened by default.
  • In our class, we can also overload the operator to output user-defined data types on the screen. For example, rather than developing a custom member function like a show() to print the value of Time class objects, we may overload our Time class to display the value of Time objects using cout.
  • Time t1(3,15,48);

// like this, directly

cout << t1;

Overloading << Operator to print Class Object



class Time


int hr, min, sec;


// default constructor



     hr=0, min=0; sec=0;



// overloaded constructor

Time(int h, int m, int s)


     hr=h, min=m; sec=s;



// overloading ‘<<‘ operator

friend ostream& operator << (ostream &out, Time &tm);


// define the overloaded function

ostream& operator << (ostream &out, Time &tm)


out << “Time is: ” << tm.hr << ” hour : ” << tm.min << ” min : ” << tm.sec << ” sec”;

return out;


void main()


Time tm(3,15,45);

cout << tm;


Overloading Relational Operator in C++

To compare two objects of any class, you can use relational operators like ==,!=, >=, =, and so on.

Let’s take a simple example by overloading the == operator in the Time class to directly compare two instances of the Time class.

class Time


int hr, min, sec;


// default constructor



     hr=0, min=0; sec=0;


// overloaded constructor

Time(int h, int m, int s)


     hr=h, min=m; sec=s;


//overloading ‘==’ operator

friend bool operator==(Time &t1, Time &t2);



Defining the types of operator overloading in C++ operator function

Here we are simply comparing the hour, minute and

second values of two different Time objects to compare

their values


bool operator== (Time &t1, Time &t2)


return ( t1.hr == t2.hr && t1.min == t2.min && t1.sec == t2.sec );


void main()


Time t1(3,15,45);

Time t2(4,15,45);

if(t1 == t2)


     cout << “Both the time values are equal”;




     cout << “Both the time values are not equal”;



Overloaded Operators

Overloaded Operators in c++

When an operator is found in an expression, and also a minimum of one of its operands features a class choice or maybe an enumeration type, then overload resolution can be used to establish the user-defined function to be referred to as along with all of the functions whose signatures fit the following:


As member function

As non-member function



(a).operator@ ( )

operator@ (a)

!std::cin calls std::cin.operator!()


(a).operator@ (b)

operator@ (a, b)

std::cout << 42 calls std::cout.operator<<(42)


(a).operator= (b)

cannot be non-member

Given std::string s;, s = “abc”; calls s.operator=(“abc”)



cannot be non-member

Given std::random_device r;, auto n = r(); calls r.operator()()



cannot be non-member

Given std::map<int, int> m;, m[1] = 2; calls m.operator[](1)


(a).operator-> ( )

cannot be non-member

Given std::unique_ptr p;, p->bar() calls p.operator->()


(a).operator@ (0)

operator@ (a, 0)

Given std::vector::iterator i;, i++ calls i.operator++(0)

Overload Unary minus Operator




using namespace std;

class test


   int x, y, z;


  void getdata(int a, int b, int c);

  void display(void);

  void operator-();


  void test::getdata(int a, int b, int c)






  void test::display(void)


  cout<<“x=”<<x<<” “;

  cout<<“y=”<<y<<” “;

  cout<<“z=”<<z<<” “;


void space::operator-()






int main()


  test t1;







  return 0;



  T: x=15 y=-25 z=30

-T: x=-15 y=25 z=-30

Overload Binary Operator




using namespace std;

class test


  float p;

  float q;



  test( float r, float i){ p=r; q=i;}

  test operator+(test);

  void display(void);


test test::operator+(test t)


  test t1;



  return (t1);


  void test::display(void)




int main()


  test C1, C2, C3;

  C1=test(4.5, 5.5);

  C2=test(2.5, 3.7);


  cout<<“C1 =”;C1.display();

  cout<<“C2 =”;C2.display();

  cout<<“C3 =”;C3.display();

return 0;



C1 = 4.5 + j5.5

C2 = 2.5 + j3.7

C3 = 7.0 + j9.2

Overload Operator using Friend Function



const size=3;

class vector


  int v[size];



  vector(int *x);

  friend vector operator *(int a, vector b);

  friend vector operator *(vector b, int a);

  friend istream & operator >> (istream &, vector &);

  friend ostream & operator >> (ostream &, vector &);


vector :: vector()


  for(int i=0; i<size; i++)



vector :: vector(int *x)


  for(int i=0; i<size; i++)



vector operator *(int a, vector b)


  vector c;

  for(int i=0; i<size; i++)


return c;


vector operator *(vector b, int a)


  vector c;

  for(int i=0; i<size; i++)

c.v[i]=b.v[i] *a;

return c;


istream & operator >> (istream &din, vector &b)


  for(int i=0; i&lt
;size; i++)




ostream & operator >> (ostream &din, vector &b)



for(int i=1; i<size; i++)

dout<<“,” <<b.v[i];


return (dout);


int x[size]=[2,4,6];

int main()


  vector m;

vector n=x;

cout<<“Enter the elements of vector m:”<<;




vector p,q;






return 0;


Overloading Pointer to Member Operator

Pointer to Member Operators found C++ (->) is generally used together with an object pointer to use some of the object’s members.

Example of pointer to member types of operator overloading in C++:



using namespace std;

class temp



  int n;

  temp(int j)




temp*operator ->(void)


  return this;



int main()


  temp T(4);

  temp *ptr=&T;





return 0;



T.n= 4

ptr->n= 4

T->n= 4

Subscript Operator Overloading

Subscript Operator Overloading around C++ is usually used to access and change a certain component in an array.



using namespace std;

class test


  int x[5];


test(int *p)


  int i;




int operator [] (int k)


  return (x[k]);



int main()


  int k[5]={1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

  test T(k);

int i;






return 0;



1 2 3 4 5

Access specifiers

There are three layers of access protection for each member of a class. These are used to specify the scope of a class’s members.

The keywords are used to indicate the access specifiers:

  1. Private
  2. Public
  3. Protected
  • Private: When member data is written in this section, only member functions have access to it. They can’t be accessed from any place in the application or outside of the class. If no access specifiers are specified, members are considered private by default.
  • Public: It means that members can be accessed by any function, both inside and outside of the class, but only within a programme. The member function provides access to the private variable height. Some of a class’s public functions provide an interface for accessing private and protected class members.

Drawbacks to Types of Operator Overloading in C++

In operator overloading, virtually any C++ established operations may be overloaded, however, there are some exceptions to this rule.

Which operators can’t be overloaded?

  • Conditional [?:], size of, scope(::), Member selector(.), member pointer selector(.*) and also the casting operators.
  • We can just overload the operators which exist and can’t produce fresh operators or even rename existing operators.
  • At least 1 of the operands within overloaded operators should be user-defined, which implies we can’t overload the minus operator to operate with a single integer along with one double. Nevertheless, you can overload the minus operator to operate with a string and an integer.
  • It’s not easy to modify the selection of operands and operator supports.
  • Every operator retains their default precedence in addition to associations (what they normally use for), and that can’t be changed.
  • Mainly built-in operators might be overloaded in types of operator overloading in C++.

These were the drawbacks of types of operator overloading in C++

Advantages of Types of Operators Overloading in C++

Advantages of Types of Operators Overloading

  • Operator overloading in c++ makes it possible for programmers to make use of notation closer towards the objective domain.
  • They offer related assistance to built-in forms of user-defined varieties.
  • Operator overloading in c++ tends to make the program simpler to comprehend.

So these were the pros of types of operator overloading in C++


Every aspect of types of operator overloading in C++ is covered in this blog, however, if you find something missing or left-out then provide your valuable feedback in the comments section below. 

This brings us to the end of our blog on types of operator overloading in C++. I hope this helps you improve your C++ skills. Check out the courses to learn more about programming and other related concepts on the DataTrained website.

Frequently Asked Question’s

1. What is overloading in C++ and its types?

Creating 2 or maybe more members which have the exact same name but are actually completely different in types of operator overloading in C++ or number of parameters is actually widely known as overloading. There are following types of operator overloading in C++.

In C++, we are able to overload:

  1. Methods
  2. Constructors
  3. Indexed Properties

The types of operator overloading in C++ are as follows:

  • Function overloading in the types of operator overloading in C++:

The method of having 2 or maybe more features with exactly the same name, but various details, is referred to as function overloading. The feature is redefined by either using various kinds of arguments or maybe a different selection of arguments. 

It’s just through these variations that a compiler is able to differentiate between functions. The benefit of function overloading is actually raising the readability of a program since you do not have to make use of names that are different for the identical action.

  • Operator overloading in the types of operator overloading in C++:

Operator overloading is a compile-time polymorphism in that the operator is actually overloaded to offer special significance to the user-defined information type. Operator overloading can be used to overload or perhaps redefine the majority of the operators offered in C++. It’s used to do the operation on the user-defined information type. The benefit of operator overloading is the fact that it is able to carry out distinct activities on the same​ operand.

2. What are the different types of operators in C++?

C++ divides the operators into the following groups:

  1. Arithmetic operators
  2. Assignment operators
  3. Comparison operators
  4. Logical operators
  5. Bitwise operators

Arithmetic operators







Adds together two values

x + y


Subtracts one value from another

x – y



Multiplies two values

x * y



Divides one value by another

x / y



Returns the division remainder

x % y



Increments the value of a variable by 1



Decrements the value of a variable by 1


Assignment operators



Same As


x = 5

x = 5


x += 3

x = x + 3


x -= 3

x = x – 3


x *= 3

x = x * 3


x /= 3

x = x / 3


x %= 3

x = x % 3


x &= 3

x = x & 3


x |= 3

x = x | 3


x ^= 3

x = x ^ 3


x >>= 3

x = x >> 3


x <<= 3

x = x << 3

Comparison operators





Equal to

x == y


Not equal

x != y


Greater than

x > y


Less than

x < y


Greater than or equal to

x >= y


Less than or equal to

x <= y


3. Why some operators are not overloaded in C++?

In C++ we are able to overload several operators like +, -, [], -> etc. But we can’t overload any operators inside it. Several of the operators can’t be overloaded. These operators are as below.

  • ? “.” Member access or dot operator
  • ? “? : ” Ternary or conditional operator
  • ? “::” Scope resolution operator
  • ? “.*” Pointer to member operator
  • ? “sizeof” The object size operator
  • ? “typeid” Object type operator

These operators can’t be overloaded because in case we overload them it is going to make serious programming issues.

For instance, the sizeof operator returns the dimensions of the item or maybe datatype as being an operand. This is evaluated through the compiler. It can’t be evaluated throughout the runtime. So we can’t overload it.

4. What are the different data types in C++?

With this answer, we are going to learn about basic data variations such as int, char, float, etc. Containing C++ programming with the assistance of examples. In C++, data types are actually declarations for variables. This establishes the type as well as the size of information related to variables. For example,

int age = 13;

Here, age is actually a variable of type int. Significance, the variable may just save integers of either two or maybe four bytes. C++ Fundamental Data Types

The table below shows the basic information types, their significance, and their sizes of theirs (in bytes):

Data Type


Size (in Bytes)



2 or 4





Double Floating-point






Wide Character








5. What is conditional operator in C++ with example?

The conditional operator is actually an operator utilized in C++ and C (as well as various languages, like C#). The?: operator returns 1 of 2 values with respect to the consequence of an expression.


(expression 1) ? expression 2 : expression 3

If expression 1 is assessed to be true, then expression 2 is assessed.

If expression 1 is assessed as false, then expression 3 is assessed instead.


#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

In this illustration, the expression a > b is assessed. If it is assessed to be true then a is returned.

If it is assessed to be false, b is returned.

Therefore, the line MAX(4, 12); gives 12.

You can employ this to choose which value to put to a variable:

int foo = (bar > bash) ? bar: bash;

In this illustration, either ‘bar’ or ‘bash’ is assigned to ‘foo’, which depends on which is larger.

Or even which variable to put a value to:

((bar > bash) ? bar : bash) = foo;

‘foo’ is allocated to ‘bar’ or ‘bash’. That depends on which is larger.

6. Which of these can be overloaded in C++?

Overloading can happen to both functions and operators.

Function overloading and operator overloading are terms used in C++ to describe the ability to specify multiple definitions for a function name or an operator in the same scope.

As a result, the right response is a function.

In C++, there are several types of operator overloading in C++:

Overloading of functions.

The method of having two or more functions with the same name but different parameters is known as function overloading in C++.

Overloading of the operator.

Operator overloading is a compile-time polymorphism in which the operator is overloaded to give a special meaning to the user-defined data type. Using operator overloading, the majority of the operators available in C++ are overloaded or redefined.

7. Can assignment operator be overloaded?

The assignment operator (=) can be overloaded in the same way that other operators can, and it can be used to generate objects in the same way that the copy function object can.

The example below demonstrates how an assignment operator might be overloaded.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Distance {


      int feet;             // 0 to infinite

      int inches;           // 0 to 12      


      // required constructors

      Distance() {

         feet = 0;

         inches = 0;


      Distance(int f, int i) {

         feet = f;

         inches = i;


      void operator = (const Distance &D ) { 

         feet = D.feet;

         inches = D.inches;


      // method to display distance

      void displayDistance() {

         cout << “F: ” << feet <<  ” I:” <<  inches << endl;



int main() {

   Distance D1(11, 10), D2(5, 11);

   cout << “First Distance : “; 


   cout << “Second Distance :”; 


   // use assignment operator

   D1 = D2;

   cout << “First Distance :”; 


   return 0;


When the preceding code is compiled and run, the following result is obtained:

First Distance : F: 11 I:10

Second Distance :F: 5 I:11

First Distance :F: 5 I:11

8. What are operators name the different types of operators with examples?

Operators can be thought of as symbols that aid in the execution of specified mathematical and logical computations on operands. To put it another way, an operator controls the operands.

Operators for performing arithmetic/mathematical operations on operands are known as arithmetic operators. (+, -, *, /, percent,++,–) are some examples.

There are two types of arithmetic operators:

Unary Operators: Unary operators are operators that only work with a single operand.

For instance: (++, –)

Binary Operators: Binary operators are operators that operate or work with two operands.

For instance: (+, –, *, /,)

Relational Operators: When two operands’ values are compared, relational operators are used. For example, determining whether one operand is equal to the other, whether one operand is greater than the other, and so on. (==, >=, =) are some of the relational operators.

Logical Operators are used to combining two or more conditions/constraints or to supplement the evaluation of the original condition in question. The result of a logical operator operation is a boolean value that is either true or false.

The assignment operators are used to give a variable a value. The assignment operator’s left side operand is a variable, while the assignment operator’s right side operand is a value. Otherwise, the compiler will throw an error if the value on the right side is not of the same data type as the variable on the left side.

The following are examples of different types of assignment operators:

“=” is the most basic assignment operator. This operator is used to assign the right-hand value to the left-hand variable.

9. What is the difference between function overloading and operator overloading?

Operator overloading allows operators to have more than just the predefined operational meaning. Function overloading (method overloading) allows us to construct a function such that it can be called in a variety of ways.

An overloaded declaration is when you make a declaration with the same name as a previously declared declaration in the same scope. Different arguments and implementations can be used with this type of declaration.

When we call an overloaded declaration, the compiler determines which function is the most appropriate based on the argument types supplied in the function call. Overload resolution is the process of selecting the appropriate overloaded function or operator. In most programming languages, this is how overloading works.

Operator overloading is a programming technique in which various operators have multiple implementations based on the inputs they receive. It’s the process of assigning a unique meaning to an operator. Operator overloading allows operators to have more than just the predefined operational meaning.

Overloading, as we’ve seen, refers to the usage of the same thing for several functions. We can define two or more functions with the same name and scope using function overloading.

With the same function name but distinct argument lists, we can build a family of functions. Depending on the argument list in the function call, the function would conduct different operations. In object-oriented programming, we refer to functions as methods, hence this feature is known as method overloading.

10. Which is called ternary operator?

The ternary (conditional) operator is a type of conditional operator.

The conditional (ternary) operator is the only one in JavaScript that takes three operands: a condition followed by a question mark (? ), an expression to execute if the condition is truly followed by a colon (:), and lastly an expression to execute if the condition is false. As an alternative to an if…else statement, this operator is commonly used.

function getFee(isMember) {

  return (isMember ? ‘$2.00’ : ‘$10.00’);



// expected output: “$2.00”


// expected output: “$10.00”


// expected output: “$10.00”

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