Top 15+ Amazon Coding Questions | DataTrained

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Introduction To Amazon Coding Questions

The interviewers ask technical problem-based Amazon coding questions to get access to the candidates for a computer programming or software development position at Amazon.

Microsoft pioneered current coding interview questions for the duration of the 1990s, which other large technology companies, including Amazon, Facebook, and Google, have adopted.

Amazon Coding questions are asked to candidates, but before that, they should know about coding ability, technical, creativity, and problem-solving skills, typically on a whiteboard.

It is mandatory for Candidates who have a degree in computer science, information science, or Engineering from Computer or Electrical background and are asked to solve programming problems, algorithms, or puzzles. Coding interviews are conducted virtually (online Mode) or in person (offline Mode).

Amazon Coding Questions for Freshers.

Amazon Coding Question for Freshers.

Amazon coding questions are easy for freshers, but interviewers rejected most freshers because of a lack of confidence and hesitation. Interviewers ask different questions if you have applied for coding jobs on Amazon

These are the following five questions asked for Amazon coding questions in the Interview phase for fresher.

1.What is the Data Structure?

Data Structure is the organized collection of optimized data in a particular data structure format. The data structure is a technique o r method that defines how the data are interrelated logically or mathematically.

Characteristics of Data Structures

  • Linear or Nonlinear
  • Static and Dynamic
  • Time Complexity
  • Correctness
  • Space Complexity

2.What is an Array?

An Array is a simple or linear data structure that carries elements of the same data type and saves them at a particular location of the memory. An Arrays work on an index system that ready(start) from 0 to (n-1), where n is the size of the array.

3.What is a Linked List?

A linked list refers to a linear data structure in which the elements are not stored in a specific manner. It looks like nodes, each connected to the last end of each.

There are four types of linked lists

  • Singly-linked lists
  • Doubly linked lists
  • Circular linked lists
  • Circular linked lists

4.What is a Stack? 

A stack is a collection of data where deletion and insertion occur at one end of the stack, called the top of the pile. Two operations are performed in the stack: a push and a pop.

5.What are Binary Trees?

It is an extension of the linked list structure in data structures, and binary trees have two nodes (left and right).

These topics are asked in amazon coding questions interviews. Make sure you will learn this question and practices it.

Amazon Coding Questions for Professionals with five years of Experience.

Amazon Coding Question for Professionals with five years of Experience.

It is challenging to tackle Amazon coding questions during interviews but too complicated. 

We have mentioned five questions that were asked in the Amazon interview for coding jobs if you have experienced between 2 to 5.

1.How is an item sorted by two linked lists?

Here are two sorted linked lists below; combine them because it will help the resulting linked list that will also be sorted. Think of two sorted linked lists and the combined list below them as an example.

Runtime Complexity:- Linear, O(m + n), where m and n are measured by both linked lists

Memory Complexity:- Constant, O(1)

Keep a head and a tail pointer on the combined linked list. Then select the merged linked list by equating the first node of both linked lists. For all following nodes in both lists, you pick the smaller current node and attach it to the tail of the combined list, and move the current pointer of that list one step frontward.

Initially, the merged linked list is NULL. Carry on with this while there are some remaining elements in both the linked lists. If there remain some elements in only one of the linked lists, you attach this remaining list to the tail of the combined list.

2.How to Level order traversal of a binary tree?

Given the root of a binary tree, it shows the node values at each level. Node values for each group should be displayed on separate lines.


Runtime Complexity: Linear, O(n)

Memory Complexity: Linear, O(n)


Here, you are using two queues: 1st is current_queue 2nd is next_queue. You alternately push the nodes in both queues based on the current level number.

3.How to Copy linked list with an arbitrary pointer? 

Here is a linked list where two pointers are in one node. The initial is the standard next pointer. The following information is known as arbitrary, and in the linked list, it can point to any node. Your work is to write deep copy code to the given linked list. Deep copy coding will secure the original list; this process will not affect the copied list.


Runtime Complexity: Linear, O (n)

Memory Complexity: Linear, O (n)


This process uses a record to track arbitrary nodes pointed by the original list. Arbitrary will create a deeper copy of the original linked list in two passes.

  • In the 1st pass, generate a copy of the original linked list. During creating this copy, use similar values for data and arbitrary pointers in the new list. Also, stay updating the map with entries where the key and value are the old and new nodes’ addresses, respectively.
  • The 1st copy has been created, then starts working on another pass of the copied linked list and, by using the map created in the first pass, updates arbitrary pointers to the new address.

4.Find the missing number in the array.

Here are given an array of +ve numbers from 1 to n; one number is missing, which is x. You have to find x. The input array needs to be sorted. 

Runtime Complexity: Linear, O (n)

Memory Complexity: Constant, O (1)

The solution is to search in the input array from integers between 1 and n, then stop the searching as soon as the missing number is found.

5.How to find the sum of two integers is equal to the given value.

Here given an array of integers and a value, find if there are any two integers in the array whose v
alue (sum) equals the given value. Return true if the value (sum) exists and return false if the sum does not exist. Suppose this array and the target sums.


Runtime Complexity: Linear, O (n)

Memory Complexity: Linear, O (n)

Amazon Coding Questions for Professionals with 5+ years of Experience.

Amazon Coding Question for Professionals with 5+ years of Experience.

Here, we have mention five amazon coding questions that were asked by the interviewers.

These questions are for all but majorly focus on 5+ years of experience candidates.

1.How to find out all subsets of a given set of integers.

Given a set of integers, we used to find all the possible subsets of the group of integers in the phase. Some examples elaborate on this further.

Set of Integers are given: – 2, 3, 4


Runtime Complexity: Exponential, O (2n* n)

Memory Complexity: Exponential, O (2n* n)


There are many ways to solve this problem. We will talk about the one that is neat and simple to understand. We know that in the set of n elements, there are 2n subsets. For example, a group with three elements will have eight subsets. 

2.How to print balanced brace combinations.

Print all the braces combinations for a given value n to stabilize them. For this solution, we will use recursion.

Runtime Complexity: Exponential, 2^n2n

Memory Complexity: Linear, O (n) O (n)

3.How to Clone a Directed Graph.

The root node of a directed graph creates a deep copy of this cloned graph so that the same edges and vertices occur in the cloned chart as the original graph.

If G is the input graph, V and E are the vertices and edges, respectively G= (V, E). then cloned graph G’ = (V’, E’) such that V = V’ and E=E’.

Runtime Complexity: Linear, O (n)

Memory Complexity: Logarithmic, O (logn)

4.How to Search Rotated Array.

Search a given number in a sorted array with specific elements that a few arbitrary numbers have rotated. Return -1 negative value if the number doesn’t exist. Suppose that the display does not hold duplicates.

Runtime Complexity: Logarithmic, O (logn)

Memory Complexity: Logarithmic, O (logn)

5.How to find Low/High Index.

Here is given a sorted array of integers, returning the low and high indexes of the specific key. If the indexes are not detected, you must return to -1 negative value. Millions of array lengths can occur with lots of duplicates.

Some examples below, according to the key, the low and high indexes would be:

  • Key:- 1 (Low and High are equal to 0)
  • Key:- 2 (Low and High are equal to 1)
  • Key:- 5 (Low equal to 2 but high equal to 9)
  • Key:- 20 (Low and High equal to 10)

If you want to learn Coding skill:- Click Here


Coding Related questions in an interview are simple if you have gone through these questions. Approx 15 questions are answered in this article in simple and coding and programming language. Still, they should learn deeper with each question and topic related to their coding skill to perform better during the interview.
We hope you found knowledgeable and informative ideas for the pre-preparation of the interview.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Amazon ask coding questions?

Suppose you’re preparing for Amazon coding questions. Three or four interview rounds for you will be conducted with such questions, i.e., data structure and algorithm questions. Ensure you will also be prepared for behavioral questions for the whole process of your interviews.

With the amazon coding questions the behavioral questions could be conducted either on-site or off-site. It depends on the interviewers. Two or three leadership principles are usually assigned to candidates by the interviewers during the interviews.

What type of coding questions asked in Amazon interview?

Most Amazon coding questions are constructed on data structures, coding, and algorithms for candidates. Amazon’s interviewer asked questions based on their experience because Amazon doesn’t provide any question bank to interviewers. 

How hard is the Amazon coding test?

Candidates are selected for several reasons like; mental performance, behavior, how to handle coding scripts, and whether they make the coding simple while attempting the project. But you will be selected if you focus on coding skills under data structure and algorithm.

How do I clear my Amazon online coding test?

Firstly, you should be pre-prepared for the amazon interviews. Take the right step because you are in a hurry. You can re-apply after six months if you are not selected or rejected in the amazon coding questions interview.

Follow the steps for the online coding test.
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Test Structure on a whiteboard.
3. Preparations before applying for the test.
4. Remember 3P (Practice, Practice, and Practice.)
5. During the Exam. ( +50%, Clear coding)
6. Question related to Leadership.

What is the coding challenge in Amazon?

In the amazon coding questions interviews this Unique challenges occur during coding. Two Levels are below.

  1. Real-life problem-solving skills will be given at the 1st round of the coding test for a specific time which will be 5 hours only.
  2. Put an idea at the 2nd level, and you get 25 days to find the solution in the given problem- statement provided in level 2.

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