A non technical background professional moved to analytics

Chahat Bedi Avatar

I have taken Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM) in school keeping in mind that I would do Engineering. After completing my schooling, I appeared in many Engineering entrance exams, however, I did not get any top college. So I left Engineering and took admission in Kanpur University for BBA (Business of Administration ) course. Later on, after completing my graduation I got the job in a local firm.


“When you do not get what you actually deserve, you keep looking for the options and you can’t be satisfied until you get it”, he adds


I was not satisfied with my job and wanted to make a switch so, whenever I meet my friends I discussed this with them.  However, I was not getting what I was actually looking for. Meanwhile, one day a friend of mine told me about Data Science Course and said it is one of the highest paid jobs.


I started searching for it online about the Data Scientists role, what they do and how well they are paid. I followed the news as well. This motivated me to try analytics as I was already stuck in the job and do not have any other options. So I thought this could bring a change in my career and then I started searching for the best Institute offering Data Science training both in the online as well as the offline space.


After going through many institutes courses, curriculum, classes time and fees, I founded that DataTrained suites to my needs as their classes were on weekends. So I do not have to leave my current job until I complete it and get a new job.

I am now happy that I took the decision to move to Analytics, I thank my friend who suggested me the Data Science Course and obviously DataTrained from bringing this great career transition. Thank you so much DataTrained. 

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